Mesotherapy of the skin around the eyes is today one of the most effective methods of eliminating the manifestations of age-related changes on the face, allowing you to significantly rejuvenate the dermis. Wrinkles, puffiness and the presence of dark circles in the eye area, caused by various harmful factors, cause serious discomfort and ruin appearance and mood. Thanks to the use of mesotherapy, you can get rid of all these problems quickly and without complications.
What is the essence of mesotherapy for the skin around the eyes?
Our skin in the eye area is the most delicate and sensitive. To take care of it you need special, delicate and at the same time effective products. External factors, stressful conditions, the need to constantly strain the eyes while working at the computer - all this negatively affects the condition of our skin. Over time, the process of fluid exchange in the tissues slows down, the dermis around the eyes is deformed, loses softness and elasticity.
To solve the problem it is necessary to strengthen the facial muscles, activate cell renewal processes and increase skin tone. The mesotherapy method will help to cope with these problems.
During the session, the specialist makes a subcutaneous injection into the area that needs correction. Existing folds and wrinkles are filled with the solution thus introduced, making the skin surface more uniform and smooth.

As a result of the procedure, renewal processes in the epidermal tissues are activated at the cellular level. In recent years, mesotherapy for the skin around the eyes has received positive reviews from many patients in beauty salons, and studies conducted in clinical settings have proven its high effectiveness in rejuvenation.
The procedure promotes:
- production of collagen and elastin;
- facial contour alignment;
- increase the elasticity of the dermis;
- eliminate dark circles in the eye area;
After injection of the active solution, blood flow increases in the epidermal tissues, metabolic processes accelerate and hyaluronic acid is synthesized faster. As a result, the skin becomes more hydrated, signs of irritation and darkening under the eyes disappear.
The main defects to be eliminated are:
- Wrinkles;
- Dark circles;
- Bags;
- Edema.
For the eye contour area, use delicate products with a marked hydrating effect. Only a doctor with the appropriate specialization can select the appropriate drug and prescribe a course.
For wrinkles
As a rule, the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes is caused by dehydration of the skin and the negative effects of the sun. Therefore, preference should be given to products with hyaluronic acid.
If mesotherapy is performed on a woman over 30 years of age, amino acids for the synthesis of collagen and B vitamins are added to this component. After 40 years, peptides and a complex of nucleotides are also introduced.
For dark circles under the eyes
Products with hyaluronic acid help fight dark circles.
Experts advise against adding other components to avoid swelling and other unwanted side effects.
Leading cosmetologists of Moscow clinics recommend the line of German products Belotero Balance, which have an optimal degree of density and viscosity.
For bags under the eyes
Mesotherapy cannot completely eliminate the "bag", but it will make it less noticeable. The less serious the problem, the better the outcome.
Usually this is a course of injections with meso-cocktails that help level the metabolism in the eye area.
For edema
Puffiness under the eyes has a completely different nature from bags, since they are not fatty formations. To solve the problem, a different approach is needed.
First of all, you need to consult a therapist, endocrinologist or other specialized specialist to determine the cause of eye swelling. Making a diagnosis will determine the feasibility of mesotherapy.
The most effective products are those containing proteins. Because they help activate lymphatic outflow and improve intracellular metabolism. And they help remove excess fluid from the body.
Types of mesotherapy for the skin around the eyes
Depending on the method of exposure to the skin, classic and needle-free mesotherapy are distinguished.

The classic method involves subcutaneous administration of the drug. In some cases, after the injection, an allergic reaction may occur in the form of irritation, hematomas and small bruises at the puncture sites.
The active composition used in mesotherapy includes specially selected drugs with the addition of hyaluronic and glycolic acids and a vitamin-mineral complex.
A variant of the classic method is currently very popular fractional mesotherapy of the skin around the eyes. When performing this procedure, a special attachment with twelve microneedles of different lengths is used. Thanks to this, several punctures are made at the same time.
An alternative option for the procedure is correction by applying electric current to problem areas. This method is called electroporation or needle-free mesotherapy. In this case, special preparations are used that are applied to the skin in the eye area. During the procedure, under the influence of electric current, active substances enter the upper layers of the epidermis. They consist of molecules with a heterogeneous structure, thanks to which particles of substances penetrate into different layers of the skin.
Types of mesotherapy for the skin around the eyes
Depending on the penetration of meso-cocktails under the skin, two types of procedures are distinguished:
- Injection;
- Without injection.
The classic method for treating skin problems is to inject the drug under the skin by piercing it. In modern cosmetology, fractional mesotherapy around the eyes is popular, and shows good results. It consists of repeated microinjections into the problem area of the skin. The procedure is safe, but is not suitable for everyone, as in some cases allergies can develop at the puncture site and bruising can occur.
Many people refuse to do mesotherapy for dark circles because they are afraid of injections. For this reason, an injection-free method was developed to introduce meso-cocktails under the skin.
The penetration of substances into the dermis occurs:
- Electric waves and cold;
- Laser;
- Download CC;
- Magnetic waves;
- Oxygen;
- Ultrasonic vibrations.
It should be borne in mind that needle-free eyelid mesotherapy superficially saturates the skin with active substances. Due to the insufficient penetration of the mesosolutions, this type is less effective than the injection treatment.
Injection mesotherapy: how it works
The thin skin around the eyelids is extremely vulnerable and susceptible to harmful factors. His condition is affected by eye strain during work, prolonged exposure to bright sun or frost, lack of sleep and stress.
With age, metabolic processes in the tissues slow down, the skin becomes dry, fine wrinkles and dark circles appear. To deal with these problems, a product that combines effectiveness and gentleness is needed. Injection mesotherapy meets these conditions.

The drugs are removed using a fine needle into the dermis. This is the middle layer of the skin, responsible for its elasticity and hydration level.
- collagen;
- proteins;
- Hyaluronic acid;
- Elastin.
Over the course of life, the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of these substances change, which affects the condition of the skin. The essence of mesotherapy is that the injected drug replenishes the deficiency of the substance and activates the desired effect (smoothing, moisturizing, etc. ).
For injections around the eyes, 3 main components are used.
- Hyaluronic acid – promotes hydration and regeneration of the skin;
- Vitamins – have antioxidant properties, inhibit the destruction of collagen fibers and promote collagen production;
- Peptides – slow down the aging of skin cells, improve nutrition and blood supply.
Mesotherapy is a simple and painless procedure. First, the skin around the eyes is treated with a special anesthetic cream. Then the drug selected by the doctor is injected with a thin needle. The procedure is completed by applying a soothing mask to prevent irritation.
The effect of mesotherapy depends on the severity of the problem and the competence of the specialist performing the procedure.
Tips for use
Before using the procedure, you need to consult a specialist.
Mesotherapy is contraindicated for some diseases:
- Bleeding disorders;
- Kidney failure;
- Cholelithiasis;
- Skin diseases;
- Allergic reactions to substances contained in the drug;
- Vascular pathology;
- Acute febrile condition.
Furthermore, ocular mesotherapy is contraindicated during menstruation and in the third trimester of pregnancy.
It is important that the procedure is successful.
- Do not use decorative cosmetics the day before the procedure;
- 3 days before the visit to the cosmetologist, stop taking aspirin, painkillers and anti-inflammatories;
- Perform a superficial skin peel a few days before the procedure.
It should be borne in mind that mesatherapy does not imply 1-2 procedures, but a whole course, which should be repeated every six months to maintain the effect.
Prepare for mesotherapy of the skin around the eyes
The skin around the eyes is overly sensitive and hurts easily. When caring for it, you should only use gentle products. Based on this, experts are developing special preparations that are not only able to smooth out irregularities, but also have a gentle effect.
As mentioned above, the basis of the therapeutic solution used in mesotherapy is a vitamin-mineral complex, which helps to eliminate dark circles under the eyes, and glycolic and hyaluronic amino acids, thanks to the influence of which skin irregularities are smoothed. In this case, the amount of active ingredients and additional components is determined individually and depends on the characteristics of the patient's dermis and her general state of health.

The skin of the eyelids is very delicate and hurts easily, so it needs care with delicate products. For mesotherapy of the dermis around the eyes, Dermahil preparations are effective, which are distinguished by their delicate properties.
The choice of composition of injectable solutions depends on the age of the patient and the degree of skin problems. Cosmetologists use monoproducts or cocktails containing a chain of single components.
The solutions include the following ingredients:
- Vitamins (stop age-related tissue relaxation, improve skin color);
- Hyaluronic acid (eliminates fine and deep wrinkles);
- Vasodilators (enrich the skin with oxygen);
- Glycolic acid (evens the color of the dermis, eliminates bags under the eyes);
- Peptides (activate collagen production, tighten the skin).
Swelling and bruising may occur after administration of some medications. This is an allergic reaction caused by the body's intolerance to certain components. To ensure the safety of the procedure, it is necessary to carry out allergy tests to eliminate negative consequences.
How is mesotherapy performed for the skin around the eyes?
The average session duration is approximately half an hour. Depending on the condition of the skin, a full course of rejuvenation requires three to eight procedures, between which it is necessary to take breaks of 7-10 days.
The procedure begins with cleansing the skin of makeup, surface impurities and dust using cosmetics. Then the skin is disinfected with an antiseptic solution.
To make the procedure painless for the patient, the doctor treats the skin areas with an anesthetic gel or cream. Next, the problem area is subjected to targeted injections and drug injections.
After the injections, the skin is disinfected again with an antiseptic. At the end of the procedure, the dermis is hydrated with creams.
It is recommended to undergo a comprehensive mesotherapy program around the eyes so that the result between "before" and "after" is clearly evident. On average, the elimination of skin defects takes from 4 to 10 sessions, with a break between them of 3-7 days.
A mesotherapy session consists of different phases:
- It is necessary to cleanse the skin of cosmetics and possible contaminants. For this purpose, special antiseptic agents are used.
- Then the cosmetologist numbs the skin around the eyes using anesthesia.
- Next, you need to inject the rejuvenating solution into the problem areas. Injections are made using a syringe or a special device. The drug is injected in a timely manner, filling every fold of the skin. The depth of the needle depends on the depth of the wrinkles.
- With the needle-free mesotherapy method, an active biological product is applied to the areas to be corrected, after which the skin is exposed to electric current, ultrasound or laser.
- At the end of the main part of the procedure, the dermis must be treated with an antiseptic again, it is necessary to apply a mask and a cream with a moisturizing effect.
- After the end of the session, the specialist will recommend care products during the recovery process to eliminate unwanted reactions.

At what age can you do mesotherapy for the skin around the eyes?
A network of wrinkles in the eye area forms quite early. Small creases on and around the thin, sensitive skin of the eyelids appear when we smile, frown, squint into the sun, or blink. Traces of these emotions remain on the face from an early age. Therefore, when deciding whether it is time to undergo a mesotherapy procedure or not, you need to start not from age, but from the appearance of the skin.
A cosmetologist will help you choose the optimal treatment option for a particular patient, taking into account the condition of the dermis, the presence and nature of irregularities and the depth of folds. Some suffer from swelling, others often develop dark circles on the face, while others already in their youth develop a network of small but quite noticeable wrinkles at the corners of the eyes. A professional will identify the problem and tell you how to get rid of it.

Typically, mesotherapy treatment is prescribed to women over the age of 30. But in some cases this technique is recommended at an early age. For example, meso-cocktails help get rid of acne, which often appears in adolescence.
There is an opinion that it is better to postpone a trip to a beauty salon to a later date, and only mature people need corrective procedures. This is a serious misconception, due to which women under 40-50 years old do not properly care for the skin of the face and body, believing that when the problem becomes obvious and visible to others, one or two procedures will solve it and It immediately helps to get rid of years of accumulated defects.
Taking care of your skin for a beautiful appearance and youthful glow is a "job" that must be done throughout your life. You should always take care of your skin, responding promptly to problems. The condition of the dermis is influenced by heredity, our habits, the environment and other external factors.
Mesotherapy for the skin around the eyes has no age restrictions. But it is worth remembering that this is a medical procedure and has a number of contraindications and should be prescribed only by a specialist and only for certain problems.
Indications and contraindications for mesotherapy of the skin around the eyes

When anti-aging creams and masks stop helping, and corrective products do not bring the desired effect in the fight against swelling and bruising under the eyes, it is worth visiting a cosmetologist's office.
You should sign up for a mesotherapy procedure when:
- small wrinkles appeared at the corners of the eyes;
- the skin of the lower eyelids appears darker;
- puffiness and puffiness in the eye area;
- the skin of the upper eyelid has become flaccid;
- bruises under the eyes are noticeable in the morning;
- wrinkles of age appeared.
With the help of mesotherapy all these symptoms can be eliminated. But it is worth remembering that the occurrence of skin defects is not a disease, but an external manifestation of an internal problem: a malfunction in the normal functioning of some organs.
Before mesotherapy it is necessary to consult a professional doctor, who will certainly study the patient's medical record, collect the medical history and, only after making sure that the skin defects are not a sign of a serious pathology that requires more radical and emergency therapy , he will prescribe a cosmetic procedure.
There are contraindications for which mesotherapy cannot be performed:
- pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
- presence of cancer;
- allergy to the components of the active drug.
Mesotherapy will achieve the desired result only if it is approached with full responsibility and if all possible complications are taken into account. However, some side effects may not be avoidable, but they will not be that significant.
Possible side effects and complications after mesotherapy for the skin around the eyes
Side effects after the procedure may include:
- Irritation of the skin around the eyes;
- Small wounds and bruises.
Usually, these consequences pass quickly and leave no traces some time after the session. When prescribing mesotherapy, the specialist will inform you during the period in which to carry out the procedure to minimize side effects.
If you follow the methodology for carrying out mesotherapy in the paraorbital area, the risk of negative consequences is low. Minor side effects are possible, which disappear on their own after a couple of days and do not require medical intervention:
- Skin redness;
- Small bruises in the affected area;
- Mild swelling at the puncture sites.
According to reviews of mesotherapy around the eyes, complications may occur after the procedure if the cosmetologist does not take into account the individual characteristics of the patient:
- The appearance of lumps on the skin that do not dissolve on their own for several days;
- Severe redness of the skin;
- The appearance of hematomas;
- Allergic reactions;
- Skin atrophy.
Using the services of dubious clinics, there is a risk of complications if the cosmetologist violates the mesotherapy technique:
- Painful sensations;
- State of discomfort;
- Development of inflammatory processes;
- Worsening of chronic diseases;
- Infection.
Sometimes side effects occur due to patient errors if he does not follow the cosmetologist's recommendations after the procedure. Be sure to follow your doctor's advice and have your face treated only by trained professionals.
Let's get acquainted with the basic rules that must be followed during the recovery period after the session.
Recommendations for rehabilitation after mesotherapy of the skin around the eyes

During the rehabilitation period, exposure to ultraviolet rays should be avoided; facial skin should not be overheated or overcooled. Before going out it is necessary to apply a hydrating SPF with an index of at least 30 units to the treated areas.
If you follow the doctor's recommendations, any negative consequences of the mesotherapy procedure will disappear within a couple of days, and the recovery process will be completely completed in a few days.
Here are some general tips from experts for this period:
- In the first 24 hours, wash your face only with warm (not hot! ) water.
- Completely stop using cosmetics during the first two days after the injections.
- Use sunglasses and other sun protection.
- In the first few days, avoid exposure to UV rays on the skin.
- Refuse to visit the sauna, bathhouse or swimming pool for a week.
- Don't rub your eyes or the skin around them, even if you feel itching or tingling.
In everyday life, special attention should be paid to such an accessory as sunglasses. Don't forget that skin ages not from age, but from exposure to ultraviolet rays. That is why the use of drugs with a high degree of protection is a more effective method of combating the appearance of wrinkles than any anti-aging cream. Sunglasses are also a good remedy for uneven skin around the eyes. They need to be worn not only during the rehabilitation period after a cosmetic procedure, but also at any other time when the sun is shining.
Is it possible to do mesotherapy for the skin around the eyes at home?
Nowadays, on the market of cosmetic devices you can find a special device called a mesoscooter, with which you can accelerate the metabolic process, increase blood circulation and regenerate epidermal cells. The device consists of a pen and a roller with metal needles. As a result of its use, micropores are formed on the skin of the face, thanks to which biologically active substances penetrate deep into the dermis. When you do mesotherapy yourself, you use products enriched with amino acids, vitamins and minerals that fill uneven areas, nourish the skin and increase its elasticity.
Mesotherapy is a medical procedure and therefore requires professional qualifications and experience. Performing the procedure yourself can cause damage to the highly sensitive skin around the eyes.
There is a device for home mesotherapy - a mesoroller, which is a roller with needles. However, the effectiveness of this method is much lower than salon procedures.

To prevent punctures from injuring the epidermis, mesoscooters are equipped with the finest needles, the diameter of which does not exceed 0. 2 mm. Since the procedure involves violating the integrity of the skin, the device must be sterilized before and after use.
Mesotherapy is a popular cosmetic procedure that has a rejuvenating effect. But it is worth remembering that to achieve the desired result and avoid complications during and after the session, it should be performed by professional doctors in specialized clinics and medical centers providing the relevant services. When using the method at home, you should consult a specialist in advance and use proven, high-quality equipment and products.
How much does mesotherapy for the skin around the eyes cost in a beauty salon?
It is difficult to provide even an approximate cost of the service, since in each specific case the number of procedures is determined individually. The price of the service also depends on the clinic chosen, the equipment used and the drugs used during the procedure.
Nowadays it is no longer necessary to spend a lot of time performing complex and unpleasant procedures at home. It is much easier to ask for help from real professionals in a specialized center equipped with efficient and modern equipment.